Friday, September 12, 2008

Another disappointment

i spent time with you, venting to you. thinking you were my friend. even though in the beginning i knew you couldn't be trusted. but yet i still trusted you. 3 yrs of friendship and you continued to disappoint me. why would you go and talk about me to "complete strangers"? i guess that goes to show me who you trust instead of me. what irks me is that those meaningless ppl dont know me at all and their taking the advice from you. years from now ill look back and see how stupid i was for having ppl like you in my life. you make me laugh because you contradict yourself so much. everything you say about me is exactly what you are. but you know what that shows me? that you hate yourself and you envy me. you envy me because you wish you can care like me. you wish that you can walk around with a big fat smile on your face even though your hurting inside. and you know what i dont need any drugs to help me do that. get out of the clouds and come back into reality, and instead of trying to be "real" all the time, be sane, be considerate. treat yourself with more respect. everyone has their flaws, noone is perfect, but wake up and accept the fact that you have problems, and that its okay. ppl who stay in the sky eventually fall.

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